phpBB is my favorite bulletin board system. After 4 years running on phpBB2, I tried to convert my board to phpBB3 RC7 (this is the latest ...Read more »
Use of --parents flag in mkdir and cp
Occasionally, you want to create a directory structure several levels deep. For example, /home/peter/status/2007/november. Your first attemp...Read more »
sudo hacks: making cd and redirection work
Suppose you want to run a command that requires root privileges. Conventional wisdom says don't login as root. Instead, login as a non...Read more »
How to Look Up a Process
You can look up a process in many ways. Often, you have the name of a daemon, command, or a program, and you want to know its process ID. ...Read more »
apt-get: dynamic MMAP out of room
Recently after upgrading wine and a few other packages, apt-get threw errors like these: Reading package lists... Error! E: Dynamic MMap ran...Read more »
How to Scroll the Command Window
How many times have you been annoyed by the command output spanning over the length of the window? If the window is in the X-Window environ...Read more »
Get into the right groups
In Linux, belonging to the right group gives you permission to use restricted-access resources. When you create a new user, by default, $ u...Read more »
Tail multiple files
In an earlier post , I discussed 2 commands for continuously displaying the contents of a file: tail -f and less. I mentioned that with le...Read more »
Keeping Command History across Multiple Sessions
The bash shell maintains a history of the commands you entered. You can re-execute a command by recalling it from the history, without havi...Read more »
RSS Reader ku saat ini
Setelah hampir setahun menggunakan layanan Google Reader sebagai RSS reader dari situs-situs favorit saya, mulai kemaren saya menggantinya ...Read more »
Log watching using tail or less
Log files typically grow in size, with the latest contents appended to the end of the log. I often need to watch a log file in live action,...Read more »