Coach Lloyd: (07:03:41 PM) Super Uber Chris: check email 19:05 (07:05:42 PM) Michael Lloyd is no longer away. (07:06:28 PM) Michael Lloyd: n...Read more »
Sager Notebook & - Review
So I have been using nothing but Ubuntu Linux as my home operating system for almost a year now and one thing that always kind of irked me w...Read more »
Moblin Linux - Distro Review
Moblin Linux is a distribution of Linux targeted at netbook devices that utilize the Intel Atom processor. It is backed by both the Intel co...Read more »
HOWTO: Cricket A600 Modem & Ubuntu
So the Cricket cooperation is too lazy to make their device function by default on Linux so the following is a method I came up with some mo...Read more »
Cedega vs Crossover Games - Hands on Review
Most people who use Linux for desktop use are well aware of the one of the largest issues facing the platform: Lack of commercial software. ...Read more »
What is Ubuntu Linux
A computer is a means to an end. What that end is exactly varies depending on who that final user is. On my two personal computers I run Ubu...Read more »
Size Matters
Technology and computers advance at a rapid rate. Each generation of systems is faster than the last and often times less expensive. In addi...Read more »
Linux Gaming - Performance Optimizations
Gaming on Linux is not as daunting as some may think. Running native games on Linux is as easy as it is on Windows at this point - how ever ...Read more »
Comments on Windows 7
Oh Microsoft... Odds are many of you know how I feel about Windows and this company in general – I stay away from it. How ever in light of W...Read more »
Macbook Comparison
I work at the Beverly Arts Center, in Chicago. I have found that many arts people prefer Apple laptops to any other brand. Why is this? The ...Read more »
Computer Applications Everyone Should Know About
Many people pay out large sums of money for software that many times has a completely free alternative they are simply unaware of. I've ...Read more »
Blog has NOT Died
This blog has not died. It has just slowed down for the time being as I am very busy with school, weight training, tons of coding projects w...Read more »
how to solve urpmi or rpm database locked error?
I'm sure for those using package manager for rpm-based distro had encountered "rpm database locked". For Mandriva users, they ...Read more »