Did you remember ? , Few month ago an Ubuntu Artwork has made a challenge for community/individual to submit their best wallpaper/artwork he...Read more »

The Magician Of Linux
Did you remember ? , Few month ago an Ubuntu Artwork has made a challenge for community/individual to submit their best wallpaper/artwork he...Read more »
UPDATE: Competitions are over and winners are notified. Even more prizes! See updated list ! Do you like birthdays? Do you? I do! So I lik...Read more »
Today we search in YouTube looking for someone who have tried Gnome 3.2, Yataii !! and we found it. We found interesting video from fredbe...Read more »
Just a very quick entry to let you all know that GNOME 3.2 is already available. It incorporates lots of new and awesome features that I wi...Read more »
Dual Boot atau Multi Boot system Operasi pada komputer sudah biasa, tapi dual boot atau multi boot pada flashdisk agaknya belum biasa karena...Read more »
Anybody who's even remotely interested in Linux probably heard about a "power regression bug" in the Linux Kernel that was mak...Read more »
A series of posts describing tips helpful for programmers who use VI editor. Finding matching braces in a program The common error that ...Read more »
So you've taken the plunge and opted to install Bodhi Linux. Perhaps you read a recent review or one of the screen shots in our gallery ...Read more »
Welcome to Trisquel GNU/Linux! I've been wanting to write this for a long time, because trying this distribution really feels inviting. ...Read more »
One of the greatest thing about Linux is that it has number of ways to do a particular task without affecting the outcome , same in the cas...Read more »
September is almost done and with it's end brings to a close my 24th month of writing Thoughts on Technology. When I first started writi...Read more »
Finally Mozilla Firefox 7 released, Since Firefox 7 beta shipped with Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2, we guess (can be ensured) that Firefox 7 Final ...Read more »
An ARTICLE by Sam Dean sheds some light on this subject, which raised concerns from Linux users who could be at risk of not being able to r...Read more »
The goal of Grub Customizer is to create a complete and intuitive graphical grub2/burg configuration interface. The main feature is the boo...Read more »
It was recently announced that Windows 8 would support a shiny new feature that is known as "secure boot". In case you have been l...Read more »
W hat do you know about Russia? Vodka? Bears on the streets? Siberia? Any more stereotypes? Let me give you another one: Linux. Yes, Linux! ...Read more »
Shell Script is nothing but sequence of commands that are stored in a single file (same like a text file) . The commands written in file are...Read more »
Ada temen ane yang nanyain apa sih bro file winmail.dat? Kok gak bisa dibuka yah? Wah.. wah.. wah.. masa seh? Terus apa sih winmail.dat itu?...Read more »
GNOME 3.2 is ready to Rocks !!, The GNOME team is done with major revamps for a while, GNOME 3.2 is all about polish, adding new features an...Read more »
LiLith is a tool written in Perl to audit web applications. This tool analyses webpages and looks for html <form> tags , which often ...Read more »
Ubuntu Tweak is an application designed to config Ubuntu easier for everyone, It provided many usefull desktop and system options that the d...Read more »
The idea probably comes from one of the James Bond film, “The Spy Who Loved Me ". However, the British company BMT Nigel Gee believes t...Read more »
Alright, I am tired of the huge amount of spam comments the blog is getting, so I decided to review comments before they are actually publis...Read more »
In the last few posts we saw the basics of tasklets and workqueues with examples. Both tasklet and workqueue are used for similar purposes, ...Read more »
T hose who closely follow my blog already know: I have recently changed my lapop. It was due to unresolvable hardware issue: hinge on the ol...Read more »
Author is NOT responsible for any damage or illegal actions caused by the use of this program. Use on your own risk! Wifite is made to att...Read more »
Every usb device that we plug into a system has a vendo id and a product id that uniquely identifies the device. The vendor id is given by t...Read more »
Mau upgrade browser internet Firefox di Ubuntu yah? Hehe.. emang sih, di firefox Linux tidak ada opsi untuk langsung upgrade dari menu About...Read more »
Linux was designed to be a platform with freedom in mind. This freedom created in the computer industry something all humans should have - t...Read more »
Pardus is very interesting distribution. It is developed in the country not very famous on the IT frontline - Turkey. It is supported by go...Read more »
A frequently asked question for Linux on System z is which distributions are supported with what hardware. There are two different sources f...Read more »
In the last post we looked into creation of workqueue using static creation method. Let us look at creation using dynaminc creation i.e. usi...Read more »