RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is a package format used by Red Hat, Fedora, and many others distributions. There are still some applications,...Read more »

The Magician Of Linux
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is a package format used by Red Hat, Fedora, and many others distributions. There are still some applications,...Read more »
When I first started preparing Bodhi ISO images almost two and a half years ago I set out with the goal of providing a clutter free operatin...Read more »
The authentication system was insecure for about seven months, by allowing the password to be changed despite two-factor authentication. See...Read more »
The demo video of Ubuntu Phone OS showed us about a beautiful dynamic lock screen which displays various usage statistics with a unique back...Read more »
" Frost & Sullivan: Why Linux Virtualization is Ready for Prime Time " In this paper, Frost & Sullivan examine historical ...Read more »
Dulu waktu awal berdirinya warnet Linux Ichigo Net sang pemilik warnet Dinar Tirta komplain ke saya, katanya beberapa komputer warnet terse...Read more »
Kadang kita kepikiran untuk mengetahui suatu website itu menggunakan web server apa? Apache kah? Nginx kah? atau yang lainnya. Apabila mengg...Read more »
Netbeans IDE 7.3 has been released which adds powerful support for HMTL5 with automatic code completion elements for HTML5 called Project Ea...Read more »
Occasionally, I needed to extract some pages from a multi-page pdf document. Suppose you have a 6-page pdf document named myoldfile.pdf . ...Read more »
Introduction This guide provides a step by step method of connecting the Google Nexus 7 Android tablet to the Raspberry PI using VNC. You wi...Read more »
The Linux Kernel 3.8 (Stable) is a new series of stable Linux Kernel which is available for Ubuntu. It's amazing gift to Linux users. Th...Read more »
I've been thinking about trying it for a long time. Once a while ago I installed Word with Crossover for Mac for a friend. It worked pr...Read more »
The scull code is the examples that the book, linux device drivers by Jonathan Corbet uses to explain the various concepts of character dev...Read more »
Red Hat has announced the availability of RHEL 6.4. The kernel level is now kernel-2.6.32-358.el6, for the main bug fixes see the kernel up...Read more »
Here is the pipe.c code of scull, which is a part of Linux Device Drivers by Jonathan Corbet , modified for the kernel version 3.x.x. The co...Read more »
Here is the access.c code of scull, which is a part of Linux Device Drivers by Jonathan Corbet , modified for the kernel version 3.x.x. The ...Read more »
Here is the main.c code of scull, which is a part of Linux Device Drivers by Jonathan Corbet , modified for the kernel version 3.x.x. The co...Read more »
Google-chrome is a cross-platform web-browser which runs on any platform whether it is mac , linux or windows. The main reason for the popul...Read more »
VLC is one of the best cross-platform open-source application in the world. It can play almost multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VC...Read more »
Bagi pengguna Linux, pasti suddah tidak asing dengan LibreOffice dan OO.o. Dua aplikasi yang sering di sertakan dalam instalasi dasar ini ad...Read more »
Recently, I have setup an observium server for our office. After about two weeks of operation, here's what I think of them- Observium Pr...Read more »
Ubuntu, salah satu varian Linux ini adalah salah satu OS ketiga yang paling banyak digunakan di bumi. Dengan dukungan penuh sekuriti dan per...Read more »
Kemarin sekitar jam 3 sore ada bapak-bapak sama mbak-mbak (kemungkinan anaknya) datang ke kios sambil bawa laptop berikut percakapan yang sa...Read more »
Here are the steps to create an animation, using gimp, as if an image is on fire as shown below. To be able to create the animation we will...Read more »