Friday, August 15, 2008

Helping Windows Users with UltraVNC Single Click and ssvnc from Linux

If you ever (try to) use UltraVNC Single Click to help Windows users from Linux, you will find out that it's not that easy. Though you can use the UltraVNC viewer in Wine, you may see disconnects after around 15 minutes. The easy solution lies in starting a regular TightVNC with these parameters:

xtightvncviewer -listen 0 -encodings "hextile copyrect"

Replace the 0 with the display number, e.g. 0 for port 5500 or 400 for 5900. (port = 5500 + x) You need to have the package xtightvncviewer installed for this to work in Ubuntu. The color parameter does not work properly in this configuration.

Or give ssvnc a try. It works even with SCIII (uvnc Single Click via SSL), supports different color depths and much more!

And if you've got a current wine version, you might as well use the original ultravnc viewer. It works fine by now.

I usually use ssvn and the following script to start the vnc listener and quit it when finished.
$VNC -listen 487 -use64 & # 64 colors
read -p "Press enter when finished"
killall tightvncviewer vncviewer


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