Saturday, December 11, 2010

Scientific Linux 6 Alpha 2 Out

Just as promised in the last announcement the Scientific Linux team have released Alpha 2 exactly a week later. At this rate we'll soon have a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 clone, which is just as well because the CentOS project seem to be needing more time.
The download links from my previous post are still valid, the previous ISO's have been replaced.
You can also find short release notes here, this time separate for every architecture but nevertheless identical for i386 or for x86_64, particularly interesting for what's been added and changed.
I'm not going to try and turn into Distrowatch and announce every release, but it's quite exciting to see something moving on this front and have a free clone hopefully rather sooner than later. Also, the SL guys are always making some small additions to RHEL that I appreciate.


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