Tuesday, February 8, 2011
3:49 PM

KDE SC 4.6.1 to incorporate many bug fixes

Aaron Seigo, one of the leading minds behind KDE, recently published an interesting ENTRY on his blog about KDE SC 4.6.0 and how bug reporting and fixing is coming along nicely.

"I'm really happy with how the number of bug reports coming in is not a massive deluge of different bugs, but mostly just endless repetition of the same handful", Seigo commented about an already apparent pattern in the bugs that are being filed for KDE SC 4.6.0. It´s good news that diversity in bugs is not overwhelming, for it will allow developers to concentrate on those few ones and make sure that fixes are properly tested before they go live. The target is for that most critical portion of bugs to completely go before KDE SC 4.6.1, allowing spring releases to go live with a nice and solid version of the K desktop. In Aaron words: "... we're smacking the bugs down as fast as we can so that next month's 4.6.1 release will be beautifully solid."

Perhaps even more interesting than bug fixing, which is to be expected after any major release like 4.6.0, is news about work already taking place for 4.7.0.

"I've put together an activities runner so that in 4.7 you can type thing like "activity" in KRunner to get a list of activities or follow that up with the name of (or start of the name of!) an activity to switch to it. Marco's been working on some Plasma application dashboard love and more QML goodies. We have "Apply" buttons in the Plasmoid config dialogs (shock! shock!). (...) One thing we already know is that we feel we're on the "right" track with activities now and will spend a significant investment of our resources in 4.7 to fleshing them out further."

If you are one of the many who doesn´t understand activities, or who (like me) doesn´t see what the big deal is to invest so much time and resources on them (specially when more basic areas of functionality are begging for some developer love), perhaps you are not that excited about this piece of news.


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