After almost exactly three months since our Bodhi 2.2.0 release the Bodhi team and I are happy to announce the next update release for our ...Read more »
WPS Office: Good Free Microsoft Office Alternative for Linux Users
WPS Office a.k.a Kingsoft Office is a very good free Microsoft Office alternative for Linux users including Ubuntu. It has familiar ribbon-s...Read more »
Solution: PHP setcookie Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
Solution: PHP setcookie Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent to avoid this problem add ob_start() at beginning ...Read more »
Install WPS Office di Ubuntu
Setelah saya tahu adanya proggram office mirip dengan microsoft office di ubuntu, saya langsung searching sob dan download WPS Office, nah b...Read more »
Program Office Ubuntu Mirip dengan Microsoft Office
Wih sob, ada berita bagus nih, saat ini ada program office baru di ubuntu dan keluarga linuxnya dan tentunya free (buat yang basic) koreksi ...Read more »
Rendering Font Aplikasi KDE dan GTK Desktop Archlinux
Font/huruf aplikasi gtk di KDE terlihat tidak sebagus aplikasi QT. Bahasa kerennya not antialiased. misalnya huruf pada aplikasi KDE terliha...Read more »
ZINIO contest extended
Are you aware that Linux notes from DarkDuck runs a contest together with Zinio ? I hope you are. And I am sure you have already submitted...Read more »
Pengertian Repository atau Software Source di Ubuntu
Apa sih Repository? Repository sendiri jika diartikan menurut bahasa artinya adalah gudang, nah repository di dalam ubuntu atau distro linux...Read more »
Insync 1.0 Has Been Released, Adds Selective Sync Support
Insync is an unofficial Google Drive client which is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The Windows and Mac version is not free, yo...Read more »
Power to the Raspberry PI
Introduction There are lots of things in life that are a mystery. One of the big mysteries is what happens to all those odd socks, buttons a...Read more »
Order your own disk with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Lubuntu 13.04 NOW!!!
With the coming release of next long-term support version of Ubuntu 13.04 just a month away, many of you already looking for downloading of...Read more »
Turning the screen blank from command line
Screensavers are used to cover the desktop with some images or graphics while we are away from the system. Here is how we can enable the s...Read more »
Squid Cache Youtube Maret 2013
Squid Cache Youtube Maret 2013 pico /etc/apt/sources.list daftar repository nya : ======================= deb more »
How to Flush route table in Linux
To remove or Flush all entries in route table the command used is root@system1:~# ip route flush table main Run Above command as rootRead more »
Konfigurasi Printer di Ubuntu
Minggu ini adalah minggu khusus pembahasan hardware sob, setelah saya membahas mengenai konsep modem, dan cara mengkoneksikannya baik itu ya...Read more »
How To Upgrade Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal to Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail will be officially released next month, but if you want to take a peek about what's new in Ubuntu 13.04 Rar...Read more »
Download Blog dalam Format PDF
Untuk Anda yang hoby menulis di blog terutama blog gratisan ada baiknya melakukan Backup tulisan tersebut, sekedar buat jaga-jaga siapa tahu...Read more »
Google Chrome 26 released with Asynchronous DNS Resolver feature! Install it in Ubuntu/Linux Mint
Google-chrome is a cross-platform web-browser which runs on any platform whether it is mac , linux or windows. The main reason for the popul...Read more »
Koneksi Modem USB dengan Sakis3G
Setelah menginstall sakis3G di Ubuntu selanjutnya adalah kita konfigurasi untuk koneksi ke internet, kita mulai saja. 1. Pasang modem dan ja...Read more »
Cara Install Sakis3G di Ubuntu
Sakis3G adalah script shell tweak yang digunakan untuk membuat koneksi pada modem 3G, ini digunakan biasanya jika modem sudah terdeteksi di ...Read more »
Modem USB yang Support di Ubuntu
Modem ada yang langsung terdeteksi dan harus konfigurasi manual, nah bisa dibaca bagaimana konsep modem. okeh bukan maksud promo atau apa ya...Read more »
Creating blend effect using gimp
Using gimp we can create animated gif image with a blending effect, that is one image blends into another as shown below. Here is how we ca...Read more »
First steps in Arch Linux
Introduction Ok so one of the plans this year was to actually learn some stuff. In order to do this I needed to challenge myself a littl...Read more »
White Paper - There's an App for That, But is it Secure?
" There's an App for That, But is it Secure? " This Tech Dossier will outline proven best practices to mitigate risk and embra...Read more »
Display Dialog boxes from shell scripts - Whiptail
whiptail is a lightweight replacement for dialog, to provide dialog boxes for shell scripts. It is built on the newt windowing library rath...Read more »
Konfigurasi Modem yang Tidak Terdeteksi di Ubuntu
Sebelum mebaca ini sobat lebih baik terlbih dahulu membaca Dasar Konfigurasi Semua Modem USB di Ubuntu nah jika sudah terdeteksi sobat bisa ...Read more »
Konfigurasi Modem USB di Ubuntu
Ok setelah posting tentang Dasar Instalasi Semua Modem USB di Ubuntu saya lanjutkan untuk posting cara mengkonfigurasi modem di ubuntu, sepe...Read more »
Securely erase files and partition from magnetic media - Wipe
Recovery of supposedly erased data from magnetic media is easier than what many people wouldlike to believe. A technique called Magnetic Fo...Read more »
Dasar Konfigurasi Semua Modem USB di Ubuntu
Bisa dikatakan ini materi yang cukup berat bagi saya, takut-takut salah sob, soalnya saya cuma meraba-raba, nih mudah-mudahan benar dan bisa...Read more »
Salah Kaprah Dunia Komputer
Dalam dunia TI terutama bahasa komputer kita sering menemukan penyebutan istilah yang salah dengan barang yang sebenarnya, atau sering diseb...Read more »
Menambakan Thema pada Ubuntu [GTK 2]
Tips merombak tampilan ubuntu kali ini dimulai dengan cara menambahkan thema pada ubuntu, oke langsung saja sob. Thema pada ubuntu terletak ...Read more »
Dead Cyborg: Sci-Fi Adventure Game Episode 2 Has Been Released!
Dead Cyborg is a first person sci-fi adventure game created with Blender Engine. The game is a mixture of a FPS exploration and text adventu...Read more »
PHP Replace new lines, tabs and multiple spaces with single space
preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ',$data) used to Replace new lines, tabs and multiple spaces with single space in PHP example: ...Read more »
The Five Stages of Benchmark Loss
I just came across this wonderful piece of analysis on how people react to "losing" a benchmark - or more accurately a product fav...Read more »
Creating your own QR codes
The German c't magazine brought me to this wonderful website for creating QR codes yourself. It supports many different kinds of links, ...Read more »
Convert webpages (HTML) to PDF using webkit - wkhtmltopdf
Wkhtmltopdf is a command line utility that can be used to convert a webpage / html to PDF. Wkhtmltopdf Features: * Convert web pages i...Read more »
Viewing thumbnails of xcf using linux.
When we create images using the gimp, the default format in which the images get saved are .xcf. eXperimental Computing Facility. The .xcf...Read more »
Hacking Tutorial : Remote Desktop xp
Kembali lagi belajar TUTORIAL HACKING bersama belajar linux ,kali ini mau ngasih tau cara meremote desktop windows XP menggunakan Backtrack...Read more »
Mengatasi Problem Sound pada Ubuntu
Setelah menginstall codec, untuk memutar file multimedia di ubuntu, ternyta masih ada masalah nih (kadang-kadang sob) yaitu sound tidak mau ...Read more »
Java for Linux on System z - download and base documentation
There are several ways for getting the IBM JDK for Linux on System z It's included with a lot of products like Websphere application ser...Read more »
FLV Metadata Injector for FLV files - Yamdi
yamdi stands for Yet Another MetaData Injector and is a metadata injector for FLV files. It adds the onMetaData event to your FLV files. y...Read more »
Mencetak Satu Tulisan Panjang ke beberapa Kertas
Pernah membuat tulisan besar-besar dan ingin di cetak secara bersambung dalam beberapa kertas, misal ingin membuat tulisan pengumuman dengan...Read more »
Mir, Wayland and the Future of Bodhi Linux
Things have been a little quiet around my blog of the late. At the beginning of last month I started a full time position doing some IT rela...Read more »
Mount archives for read/write under Ubuntu Linux - Archivemount
Archivemount is a FUSE based file system for Unix variants, including Linux. Its purpose is to mount archives to a mount point where it can...Read more »
What happened to the Linux Experience!?
Yes, it's been a long while since my last post and I thought I'd do something to clarify things a bit... So where are the new artic...Read more »
Menjalankan File Multimedia (Mp3, Video) di Ubuntu
Setelah install ubuntu, sobat biasanya iseng-iseng menjalankan mp3, video, atau file multimedia lainnya, nah tapi kok tidak bisa? yang ada d...Read more »
cara FMITM Hacking Account | Facebook
cara FMITM Hacking Account Facebook, Ada banyak sekali cara melakukan peretasan akun facebook . Cara yang sedang populer adalah menggunaka...Read more »