Friday, January 24, 2014

Top 10 Tips For Beginning Linux


Most of the time when I write articles on this blog I will have planned them out and worked out when and how I will publish them. (I know some of you might be thinking "Really?").

Occasionally though a nugget drops straight into your inbox and you really don't need to put much thought into it at all. Today is one of those days.

Earlier this week I received an email containing a link to a very interesting video, from Steve Barth, who produces videos for CBT Nuggets.
The video linked below is split into two main sections.

In the first part there is an overview of what Linux actually is, from Shawn Powers, who is a trainer for CBT Nuggets.

The second part of the video has 10 points which give an overview of the things that make up a Linux based operating system and how best to try it out.

It really is an overview but a good place to start.

After you have watched the video check out these links for more help:
In addition to the above links check out the reviews page above and the tutorials page.

I am also currently writing a series of articles about how to install Linux for the complete beginner on older computers running Windows XP and Vista. I will let you know more about that in the future.

CBT Nuggets - Top 10 Tips For Beginning Linux

You can also watch this video on Youtube at and you can download from the Apple iTunes store at

Thankyou for reading 

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