Here is how you go about it.
Assuming you partition your drive as follows
- grub code (hda0,0), fdisk code /dev/hda1, primary, NTFS, Windows XP: 60 GB
- grub code (hd0,1), fdisk code /dev/hda2, primary, ext3, Ubuntu Linux: 14 GB
- grub code (hd0,2), fdisk code /dev/hda3, extended
- grub code (hd0,3), fdisk code /dev/hda5 Linux Swap: 1 GB (the rule of thumb is twice as large as your RAM)
- grub code (hd0,4), fdisk code /dev/hda6, FAT16: 5 GB for sharing
Use QTParted to make the Windows partition active (instead of the Linux partition)
- mkdir /mnt/shared
- mount -t msdos /dev/hda6 /mnt/shared
- dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/shared/ubuntu.bin bs=512 count=1
- Reboot into Windows.
- Copy ubuntu.bin to C:\
- Add C:\ubuntu.bin="Ubuntu Linux" to boot.ini
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