Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Syntax Highlighter Extension for LibreOffice/OpenOffice

There are many IDEs we can use to help us write code faster and easier. Most of them have a nice syntax folding and highlighting. For example: selector, property, and value in CSS code have different color each other. But what happens when you copy the code and paste it on LibreOffice or OpenOffice to create PDF document of your codes? It is not beautiful as in IDE you use. Is there any solution? Yes, you can install COOoder extension for LibreOffice/OpenOffice to beautify your syntax.

COOoder is an extension for LibreOffice and OpenOffice which allows us to display the source code of a program in beautiful format as in IDE. As you can see in the picture above, selector, property, and value of CSS are given different colors. COOoder supports a wide range of programming language and most importantly, you can use it for free!

Please download the extension here. Once downloaded, open LibreOffice/OpenOffice and navigate to "Tools > Extension Manager" then click "Add..." and select your recently downloaded file.

Usage example
Using COOoder is easy. Simply block the text you want "beautify" and select "Tools > Add-Ons > COOoder" until COOoder window appears on screen. At the language section, please select the appropriate programming language for your code.

Easy does it?


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