Monday, May 14, 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Featured in Times of India Daily

The most user-friendly of all the distros out there, Ubuntu is the easiest way to get into Linux.
The latest release of Ubuntu, Precise Pangolin got a special feature in the Sunday Edition of Times of India daily. The Article was written by Prakash Advani Regional Manager - Asia Pacific Canonical.

Here is the the transcript of the Ubuntu Featured Article in Sunday Times, Times of India, May 13, 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

The most user-friendly of all the distros out there, Ubuntu is the easiest way to get into Linux. The look is similar to Mac and Windows, but differentiates just enough to offer a new feel.
The latest version is Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, released in April. It comes with the Unity interface to give a new look to the Linux desktop, making the best use of space even on small screens. The Unity Launcher on the left, where program shortcuts sit, is similar to the Windows 7 Superbar or the Mac OSX Dock.  
The big new feature has been the Unity Hub, which brings powerful file search and filters called lenses. For example, when you apply the Music Lens, you can search through all your music using song name, music or album, without ever opening any app. Similarly, there are lenses for documents, videos and more continue to be developed.  
Ubuntu 12.04 is a Long Term Support (LTS) release, which means it will come with free updates and patches for the next five years – easy enough for home users, and at the same time, robust for the enterprise.  
Download the operating system from and try it for yourself. Neat and easy instructions for the installation are available on the site. And for a sneak peek at the latest Ubuntu before installing it, try it out online at

Good to see Ubuntu getting attention by Indian Media :)


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