Thursday, September 20, 2012
2:22 PM

Steps to Install MYPLC successfully with out any problems

Below are the steps to install MYPLC ( planet-lab ) With out any problems

Step1 :
Download and Install Fedora 12
Download Fedora Linux 12 CD 32 bit i386 (694M)
Download Fedora Linux 12 CD 64 bit (698M)

Step2 :
After Install 
yum update

Step3 :
Add myplc repo
[root@xyz~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@xyz yum.repos.d]# vim myplc.repo

#Add Following Lines to myplc.repo

name= MyPLC

[root@xyz yum.repos.d]# yum clean all
[root@xyz yum.repos.d]# yum update

Step4 :
Check this 

Step5 :
Stop IPTable ( Firewall )
Check this

Step6 :
If you did not restart system after step4, step5 then restart your System now.

Step7 :
Install myplc
[root@xyz ~]# yum install myplc

Step8 :
make myplc start at system startup
[root@xyz ~]# chkconfig plc on

Step9 :
Start MYPLC if you done all steps correctly then you will see text like below
[root@xyz ~]# service plc start
PLC: Generating network files:                             [  OK  ]
PLC: Generating SSL certificates for: PLC: WWW: PLC: API: P[  OK  ]:
PLC: Generating GPG keys:                                  [  OK  ]
PLC: Generating SSH keys:                                  [  OK  ]
PLC: Starting web server: PLC: Setting PHP timezone to GMT:[  OK  ]
PLC: Starting PostgreSQL server:                           [  OK  ]
PLC: Configuring the API:                                  [  OK  ]
PLC: Bootstrapping the database: PLC:  - 101-up-leases.sql (dbdumped): PLC:  - 102-up-isvalid.sql (dbdumped): PLC:  - 103-up-extensions.sql (dbdumped): PLC:  - 104-up-noderole.sql (dbdumped): PLC:  - 105-up-timespent.sq[  OK  ]ped):
PLC: Starting DNS server: PLC: Configuring resolv.conf:    [  OK  ]
PLC: Creating BootCD variants:                             [  OK  ]
PLC: Rebuilding Boot CD:                                   [  OK  ]
                                                           [  OK  ]
PLC: Signing and indexing node packages:                   [  OK  ]

Step10 :
Stop myplc
[root@xyz ~]# service plc stop
PLC: Reverting /etc/resolv.conf:                           [  OK  ]
PLC: Removing /etc/plc_hosts:                              [  OK  ]
PLC: Stopping DNS server:                                  [  OK  ]
PLC: Ignoring request to stop myplc databases:             [  OK  ]
PLC: Stopping PostgreSQL server:                           [  OK  ]
PLC: Stopping web server:                                  [  OK  ]
PLC: Stopping mail server:                                 [  OK  ]
PLC: Reverting network files:                              [  OK  ]

Step11 :
Change the Configuration
[root@xyz ~]#plc-config-tty
Check this page for how to configure 






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