Friday, March 1, 2013
8:57 PM

GWoffice: Brings Google Drive to Your Desktop

Google Drive with its office web application is a great office suite application alternative which provides a free, cross platform (because it's web based application) office suite for us. It allows us to create, edit, and collaborate office document with the other users. One of Google Drive advantages is we have to connect to the Internet in order to be able to access our Google Drive documents. It would be nice if there is an application which allows us to edit documents offline with basic syncing capability so we can sync edited document to Google Drive when connected to the Internet. GWoffice is obviously the answer for that matter!

GWoffice is an application which brings Google Drive to desktop. It offers a nice interface to its editing abilities and also gives basic syncing for offline use.
Some GWOffice features:
  • basic syncing capability for offline usage
  • HUD support for any keyboard bound command
  • theming according to the current Gtk+ theme
  • shortcuts for quickly creating documents
  • drop to upload and edit
  • easy to use interface
Install GWoffice on Ubuntu
Ubuntu users can install GWoffice by adding its official PPA:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tombeckmann/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install gwoffice
Notice: If you encounter this kind of error "gwoffice : Depends: libgranite1 but it is not installable", you might need to add Elemntary OS daily PPA which provides libgranite1 package. So, all you need to do is execute this command to solve such error:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install gwoffice #repeat the installation
Once installed, GWoffice can be accessed from Office section in the menu.

Enjoy :)


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