Thursday, March 7, 2013

Linux Mint is better for those who come from the world of Windows

Back in 2010 I was looking for jobs and I´ve always had a hobby interest in computer and found out that some work ads were asking for basic Linux skills.

I had not heard of Linux until then.

So I started asking friends who’s into computing if they knew about Linux and pretty soon I was told that Ubuntu 10.04 LTS was probably the easiest Linux and with GNOME 2.x it was awesome.

I discovered pretty quickly that Ubuntu Linux was very powerful and used almost no resources compared to Windows 7.

My laptop was reborn again and it had turned into a supercomputer!

Soon I discovered a lot more Linux Distros and started reading Linux Format Magazine.

While Ubuntu was great for me, the introduction of Unity and GNOME 3 made me look towards other distros. Linux Mint was actually better in the way that it’s a lot better suited (probably the best) for those who come from the world of Windows.

It has codecs, flash and other things that can be a little troublesome or even a pain in other distros.

Linux Mint Debian is my favourite and while I still try out a lot of other distros from time to time, Linux Mint Debian has come to be my "go to" distro from which I learn about Linux while still having everything I need.

Eventually I will run Windows in a virtualbox instead of dual booting.

When gaming and NVIDIA drivers work fully on Linux, I’m 100% Linux Mint user but now I still need 10% windows.

I tell my family and friends about Linux Mint and tell that if they have a old and tired Windows PC I can turn it into a ultra modern computer with a version of Linux Mint.

I just revived a work friends old laptop with Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon and he said “WOW, it’s great!” When he couldn't get messenger running I wrote him an instruction on how to add the i386 architecture and Skype so that he could continue using the MSN Messenger through Skype and talk to his friends.

I did this for free because I want to keep everything Linux free and spread the joy of Linux Mint system to all.

I also work in a hospital and they have about 80 000 clients and I've been trying to introduce Linux to them and pointing out all the license money they would save from using Linux instead of Windows.

So now I use Linux Mint Debian both Mate and Cinnamon to discover the differences and it's dominating my computer use.

This is a guest post by Gustav Fridell, which won the 1st prize in the Linux Mint contest. Gustav received a prize: the book Linux Mint System Administrator’s Beginner’s Guide.


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