SuperTuxKart is a free 3D kart racing game featuring many open source project characters and mascots. It's a fun game which make us add...Read more »
Mengenal dan menggunakan Spiral Tool pada Inkscape
Sambungan dari Star Tool Spiral Tool dapat digunakan untuk menggambar object berbentuk Spiral. Cara Menggunakan Klik ikon Spirals pada Tool...Read more »
Mengenal dan Menggunakan Star Tool pada Inkscape
Sambungan dari Ellipse Tool 3.8. Star Tool Star Tool dapat digunakan untuk menggambar object berbentuk Plygon dan Star (bintang). Penggun...Read more »
Cek Versi BIOS di Ubuntu
Nah sob ini postingan singkat dan tepat, untuk mengecek versi BIOS kita di ubuntu, ok langsung ini perintah di terminalnya sudo dmidecode -s...Read more »
Adding "Open as administrator" to the nautilus context menu
In Linux the root acts as the administrator of the system and a number of operations like installation of new software,update of kernel etc ...Read more »
Basic Linux MCQ Questions for Beginners - Set 3
This is set 3 in the ongoing series of MCQ. Hope you enjoyed the first part and Second part of the series. Like first set and second set, th...Read more »
How To Install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail both 32bit and 64bit
Adobe AIR is one of Adobe products which allows us to run Rich Internet Application in our desktop. The official installer of Adobe only sup...Read more »
What can you do with a headless server in 35 minutes?
Introduction I was listening to the Linux Action Show series 27 episode 6 today and there was a short section about a website called Instan...Read more »
Menampilkan Nama User di Panel Unity Ubuntu 13.04
Jika menggunakan ubuntu 13.04 kita tidak mendapati nama user yang biasanya muncul di pojok kanan atas desktop, ini ada sedikit tips kilat un...Read more »
Blog article in the podcast discussion
The recent guest post Divergence in the distros surely made a big impact in the Linux world. It almost set a record between this blog'...Read more »
How To Install The Latest Version of VLC Media Player on Ubuntu
VLC is one of many successful open source application out there. It supports wide range audio and video formats, and it completely free. VLC...Read more »
Broadcasting Radio Streaming Menggunakan Mixxx di Ubuntu
Mixxx Mixxx Ibarat mendapatkan air ditengah gurun, mungkin itulah istilah yang bisa dipakai. Adalah ketika saya menemukan sebuah aplikasi ya...Read more »
A Whistlestop Tour Of Ubuntu 13.04
The first article on my new blog (other than a brief welcome message) is a review of Ubuntu 13.04 aimed at people who have never used Ubuntu...Read more »
My Ubuntu Blog
I have used 33 different Linux distributions in the past year but whilst writing an updated review for Ubuntu 13.04 I realised that I am so ...Read more »
What would be my own ideal Linux distribution?
There was a question addressed to me recently, after publishing the " Divergence in the distros " article. The person asked me You...Read more »
Basic Linux MCQ Questions for Beginners- Set 2
This is set 2 in the series of MCQ. Hope you enjoyed the first part of the series. Like first set, this set also contain some basic Linux qu...Read more »
How To Add GetDeb and PlayDeb Repository on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
One of many good things in Ubuntu is there are a lot of free and open source which can be installed easily from repository. The official Ubu...Read more »
Ripping CD/VCD/DVD/Blue-ray dengan K3b
K3b Mungkin banyak diantara kita yang bingung ketika dihadapkan dengan meng-copy file .dat di vcd ke kompuyter. Bahkan sebagian besar dari k...Read more »
Perlukah Install Driver di Ubuntu
Perlukah install driver di Ubuntu? banyak sob yang bertanya seperti itu kepada saya dan sebagai nubie, saya sedikit akan menyimpulkan masal...Read more »
Mengenal dan menggunakan Ellipse Tool pada Inkscape
Sambungan dari 3D Tool Box Ellipse Tool digunakan untuk menggambar object berbentuk lingkaran, elips, dan busur. A. Cara menggunakan Klik i...Read more »
Linux, terus berkembang
Sekarang, Linux sudah mulai merambah ke dunia komersial. Sudah banyak software dan game bagus yang di komersilkan. Kemarin pas nge-cek di u...Read more »
Ubuntu 13.10 release
ubuntu 13.10 akan segera di release setelah belum lama ini telah muncul ubuntu 13.04, so nantikan terus yah What is Ubuntu? Ubuntu's th...Read more »
Tweak your startup with this nice elementary-styled bootloader theme
Fed up with your boring text-only bootloader? Here's an elementary-styled alternative you'll certainly like a lot! The bootloader o...Read more »
Basic Linux MCQ Questions for Beginners - Set 1
This set contains questions which test your basic knowledge about Linux. It might be useful for the beginners who are just starting with Lin...Read more »
Automatically Take Screenshots at Regular Interval
Recently, I wrote a post about a screenshot application which has a basic editing tool called HotShots. The application was very handy espec...Read more »
Hack windows 8 Blue screen
Selamat datang kembali di BELAJAR LINUX, Kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial yang agak kejam juga sih untuk para pengguna windows 7 dan 8, ...Read more »
Membuat Instalan Ubuntu dengan USB Flashdisk
Oke sob, postingan kali ini adalah tentang bagaimana tentang membuat instaler linux ubuntu melalui flashdisk mungkin jika menggunakan CD kit...Read more »
Mengenal 3D Box Tool pada Inkscape
Sambungan dari Rectangle Tool Inkscape adalah program untuk menggambar dua dimensi. Namun, sangat sering digunakan untuk membuat gambar atau...Read more »
zlib performance improvements
In my blog entry on RHEL 6.4 I've mentioned that there have been performance enhancements for zlib compression. However I never got aro...Read more »
How To Install HotShots Screenshot Tool on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
HotShots is yet another screenshot tool for Ubuntu. It comes with some editing features which allows us to edit the picture taken with HotSh...Read more »
Remove Control M' Characters (^M) with Unix and Linux commands
Using dos2unix command dos2unix ORIG_FILENAME TEMP_FILENAME mv TEMP_FILENAME ORIG_FILENAME IMP NOTE: use dos2ux command if you are using H...Read more »
Decrypting Android Encryption is Really Easy
Especially if you encrypt your phone only with a PIN, it appears that it's quite easy to find that PIN . More than that, there is alread...Read more »
Installing Dspace 3.x on Ubuntu 12.04
Installation of prerequisite applications Open Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute following commands. Text in italics...Read more »
10pt loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found
While using latex in debian 6.0 we might come across the following error. 10pt loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found This is because the ...Read more »
Answers to Quiz on chapter-2 of book Linux Device Drivers
Answers to Quiz on chapter-2 of book Linux Device Drivers 1.Function passed to module_init is invoked when Ans. Module is loaded into th...Read more »
How To Disable Guest Login on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail enables guest login by default, it means that anyone can use your computer (with limited access) without any lo...Read more »