Friday, September 13, 2013
10:24 AM

Bodhi Linux 2.4.0 Released

It has been close to six months since our last Bodhi Linux release - far too long! This is just our normal update release - meaning if you are already a Bodhi user and have been running your system updates then you already have all these additions running on your system!

To cut right to the chase - you can find direct downloads of the ISO images on Source Forge here. You can obtain torrent downloads for the ISO images later today.

Before I talk about the small details of this release, I'd like to remind folks that Bodhi is moving to a three times/year update cycle as opposed to the previous four times/year updates we'd been doing. Since E17 stabilized we have less of a reason to power out ISO images as often. Expect new releases in January/June/September from now on.

Also - can you believe it is almost the end of 2013 already? That means Bodhi 3.0.0 is less than twelve months away! It will be out sometime in the summer after Ubuntu 14.04 releases.

Back to the here and now - our 2.4.0 release features three ISO images to install from:

  • 32bit featuring a current PAE enabled kernel
  • 32bit featuring a non-PAE kernel with older hardware support
  • 64bit featuring a current kernel
This release features the E17.4 desktop, version 0.5.5 of the Midori webrowser and the 3.8 Linux kernel. As always - our default theme selection is shaken up.

On a non-Bodhi related note, I'd like to apologize for the lack of new content on my blog for the last few months. Between moving, a new position at work, keeping my wonderful wife happy, and trekking all over the US for my hobby I haven't had nearly as much time to keep up with the latest technology. Hopefully I can find some time in the future to give my musings on things again.

~Jeff Hoogland


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