Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Top 5 Linux Platforms In The Market

The Access Company has developed various Linux application platforms in the market to go with its brands. These are generally the operating systems that aid in performing various jobs that suits the user. The following are the top 5 Linux Platforms in the market today.


Top of the rank in the Linux distribution is the Ubuntu Software. This can be used at home and at work places. It can be applicable to use in the server. It comes in three editions. These are the Ubuntu desktop, server and notebook editions. It has various applications in audio, video and texts. It has also the latest Ubuntu studio applications. Others are applications in mobile technology. When buying, choose the latest version in the market.


Another top 5 Linux Platforms is the Debian operating systems. It has various applications and is not accessible to ordinary users. It can however be compatible in your desktop machine and in your servers. It has over 29000 packages and can be installed easily. It is free to users and can be used in applications to play games, connect to the internet, various office works and printers. It can also be used in programming purposes. Multimedia applications are also available.


Red hat Linux is among the best software in the market today. It is among the cheapest and will save your company millions when you install in your computers. It is good for those people whose job involves critical work. This operating system has some features that are taken from well tested software called the Fedora. It is an open source program. The software uses an RPM package manager. It can be best suited to home use. For the new users then the software comes with a graphic installer called the Anaconda that helps in aiding the learners.


Fedora is also among the Linux platforms in the market that offers users new platforms to experiment on the latest technologies and packages. It works as the Ubuntu but is mainly applicable to the older personal computers. This is because it has limited requirements to the systems. It is an open free source software program. In addition you can use it with other 08 like the windows. It has good security features in the controls. Easy to download and install. It is one of the Red Hat Linux software.


Centos programmed software is also among the top five Linux platforms in the world. It is owned by the North American Enterprise. It is open source software and easily compatible in many machines. The advantages associated with it are that it has millions of users; it can be rebuilt easily to suit your needs. The main function of the centos software is the applications for the server and boasts of various versions that are currently in the market. It is also based on Red hat Linux technology.

The above are the top 5 Linux platforms that suits diverse needs for the users. Most of the platforms are free and can be downloaded from their websites. Easy installation and features makes them the most preferred in the market today.

This is a guest post written by Julieth, Chat Site Mezee is a platform to help people find new chat rooms around the world.
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