Wednesday, May 2, 2012
3:49 PM

Using Citycell Zoom in Ubuntu

Thank you Anirban Da for sharing the information.

Ubuntu has proven again that it's one of the most user friendly operating systems. Using Citycell Zoom in Ubuntu is very easy.

Here's how it's done:
  • Click on the network icon on the upper right corner of the screen
Step 1

    • Go to Edit Connections > Mobile Broadband > Add
    Mobile Broadband
      • Continue
      • Select country from the list
      Selecting Country
      • Select the service provider
      Selecting Service Provider
      • Finish
      • When prompted for username and password combination, type in the following:
        • username: waps
        • password: waps
      • Now anytime you wish to connect using zoom, go to the network icon and use your citycell connection for surfing.
      Hope this helps.


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