Thursday, August 19, 2010
11:29 AM

Creating Fancy and Stylish Screenshots with Screenie

Screenie a small tool to allow you to compose a fancy and stylish screen-shots. It is cross-platform (for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X) and very easy to use. You will have an impressive screen-shot in just one minute!

Screenie Installation:
Ubuntu user can install using synaptic package manger to search and install Screenie

To run,  go to Applications> Graphics> screenie, this with open up three windows: Intructions, screenie-qt and Parameters.

 * The Instructions Windows provides very basic information about using the Screenie.
 * The main window is screenie-qt, where you need to drag and drop the images / screenshots that required makeup (At most we can use three).
 * The Parameters window can be used to change the configuration of the images. For example, distance, angle, opacity, etc.

Below is the example:


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