Sunday, April 22, 2012

EasyHotspot: Open Source Hotspot Management System

EasyHotspot is an open source hotspot billing management system. It is a web based application created with PHP and MySQL. EasyHotspot aims to provide simple. easy to use, and less configuration billing management system.

It comes with two variants:
1. Full distro package
It is a full operating system which is developed on the top of Ubuntu distribution (XFCE). This variant contains many open source software which is bundled into one package. The hotspot manager front end is  built from Code Igniter Framework, FreeRADIUS to perform AAA process, Chillispot to process user authentications, MySQL as a Database Management System, PHP as a programming language, and Apache as a web server.

2. Application only
If you don't want to install a new operating system on your computer, simply choose the web interface (application only) package and read the following documentation to install
Note: The documentation is created by non English speaker person, so you might find many incorrect spelling and grammar there.

Who needs EasyHotspot?
Anyone who wants to build a hotspot a.k.a wireless network for example coffee bar, hotel, school, public library, or commercial internet cafe that use wireless Internet connection might need EasyHotspot. It can help you build and manage your billing system!

Download EasyHotspot

Regards :)


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