Saturday, August 29, 2009
11:24 AM

Headline News

Coauthors and contributors

I am not the only author of this blog. As you can see, some of my good friends from all over the world have contributed as well. Thanks Jon aka aerol, Ivan, and as well as Mike and Andrew (from the Ubuntu Tech Mailing List) for some web dev code. THANKS!

John The Ripper Clusters (not Jon The Bong Ripper)

I am aware that this won the poll, and I have made an attempt to create a cluster over a VPN (Virtual Private Network) with AES (Encryption Algorithm) Networking.

The problem is that since the md5 hash exploit code has been released. Most or all of Linux quit using md5 hashes to store their passwords. They now use SHA256. John doesn't work with that hash as of now. I am doing some research and contacting the developers to see what the status of that is as well as checking out some SVN (Subversion) code of the latest code the developers are working on. Aerol has attempted to set up some of his own networking with PXE boot over LAN (Local Area Network) for this project. So, we are working on it! You can read more about the problem here.

Ivangotoy's Contribution to Linux

He knows his stuff really well in what he specializes in. He has contributed as of now getting close to 700 gigabytes of Linux software to the community. If you seed with him, I'm sure he will appreciate and the community. He's on a high speed connection that he pays for to do this. He's the one that wrote the doom guides (He likes classic games). Here is his FEED you may subscribe to.

His stats are here and being updated constantly.

Side Note:

Using this as well as some of my other skillz and software, I was able to recovery all of a girl from school's accidentally deleted pictures of family and such.

What Else is To Come

Striping RAID with benchmarks and automated rsync backups as well as Redundant RAID; The first gives you maximum performance and the second gives you reliability. I actually wrote a guide already on the second one, and I've been attempting to find it in my backup. It's in a mysql database :/

Cryptography: GnuGPG encryption, Truecrypt, and LUKS. This is more on security.

SCREENCASTS I create of guides/howtos including audio instructions in the embedded videos. MY CONTENT WILL BE IN HD, AND THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HQ. IT'S HD MR. GAMAL!

For some more on Headline News, See WeatherMan Chris (Me) below.

As well as my own personal YouTube videos.

And finally, my own little easy HowTo guide!

Watch a youtube video or let it load fully, but do not close out of the video yet. Now go look in /tmp. You should see a thumbnail of the videos. Rename these files with .flv extension after copying them somewhere other than /tmp such as your desktop. If you want to take this even further, get an audio codec and avidemux gtk and extract the audio and video seperated. You can even re-encode the audio to an mp3 and have it play on an mp3 player.

Other Strange News

My friend's Mac OSX Leopard laptop makes aquarium bubble sounds, and she doesn't know what sets them off lol. And my Blackberry makes Submarine radar noises every few minutes LOL.


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