Wednesday, May 26, 2010
2:24 PM

POLL RESULTS: A Majority of Ubuntu users

The "Which OS rocks your computer?" Poll finished yesterday, with some very interesting results.

Ubuntu is a strong leader judging by this graph!

As can be seen on the graph above, more than half of the voters use Ubuntu. Windows 7 is also showing a very strong following. I think this is the Windows release that has made most friends amongst Unix/Linux/MacOS users. Windows XP does OK as well, which contrasts heavily with Windows Vista, clearly not a favorite amongst computer enthusiasts. All in all, it is nice to see that many Windows users interested in Linux or using it already.

The different UNIX flavors get a strong following, which I found a bit surprising. I didn't think UNIX was that popular in terms of desktop usage, but I am happy to be wrong here. MacOS users do have their share of interest for Linux as well.

Finally, among Linux users, those on Mandriva form the biggest group of visitors after "Ubuntuers". Fedora users show the smaller following.

Many have raised the fact that PCLinuxOS wasn't among the options available and neither was Linux Mint. That is right, I left several important distros out, but realistically it was impossible to get them all in there anyways.

BIG thanks to all who voted!


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