Friday, June 11, 2010
1:23 PM

POLL: What's in your 2014 Linux desktop?

I have been testing and reviewing many different Linux distros releases in the past three months and it is quite interesting to see where each is concentrating its development efforts. Ubuntu proposed a number of ideas, one of which involved a desktop that natively integrates all kind of social interaction tools. Pardus presented an even more polished installation process, as well as many different initiatives to make the Linux desktop easy for everyone. So did PCLinuxOS, as well as including an extended set of supported hardware. Fedora 13 offered parallel support for Python 2.x and 3.x. The list goes on and on...

Anyways, as I was reviewing each of them, I started to see which development paths appeal more to me and which I find less interesting. It got me thinking about what kinds of things I would like to see in my Linux desktop in a number of years and now I want to know your thoughts as well. I have created a Poll, which you can see on the right, and the question is:

If you could manage development efforts for the Linux desktop, what would your Linux desktop have in four years time?

Please let me know your thoughts!



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