Thursday, August 9, 2012
4:42 AM

How to install MySQL in Puppy LINUX


This is part 3 in the series of how to install the LAMP stack (LINUX, Apache, PHP, MySQL) within Puppy LINUX.

If you have missed the first two posts they are available here:


I am using Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 as this gives full access to the Ubuntu repositories which makes it much easier to achieve the end goal which is a portable device able to run a web server as a development environment.

Installing MySQL

This was quite a tricky install and took some effort to get working.

1. Click the install icon (top row of icons)
2. Click the configure package manager button

3. Select the 3 Ubuntu repositories at the bottom and click ok.
4. Close the package manager and restart it by clicking install again.

5. Type MySQL in the search box
6. Select the server metapackage

7. Download and install all the packages that appear

8. When the packages have installed run the installer again and search for libmysql
9. Install the libmysqlclient library
10. Open a console window
11. Create a folder called /var/lib/mysql
12. Create a user called mysql by typing "adduser mysql"
13. Change the owner of the /var/lib/mysql folders to mysql by typing "chown -R mysql /var/lib/mysql"
14. Change the group of the /var/lib/mysql folders to mysql by typing "chgrp -R mysql /var/lib/mysql"
15. Type "mysql_install_db"
16. Type "mysqld" to start the server running.
17. Open another console and type "mysql -u root"
18. Typing exit will exit MySQL
19. Type mysql_upgrade to upgrade the MySQL


At this point MySQL will be installed and running. I hope these instructions work for you but if not feel free to leave a comment because I have fallen down many pitfalls to get the instructions to this stage.

You can obviously get mysqld to run at boot time so that it is available as soon as you need it.

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