Sunday, August 19, 2012
7:13 AM

Ipplan on CentOS 6

Ipplan is a cool piece of open source software that can be used to manage IP. It can be used by both Service Providers to maintain their IP block leased from RIRs, as well as by private organizations to keep track of the IP addresses in their LAN. It is a web based application, and setting up is not a tough job.

I will be using a CentOS6 box and unzip method. Mysql, php and httpd is needed to run Ipplan.

Setting up the dependencies

[root@localhost ~]# yum install httpd  php-mysql  mysql-server  php-common
unzip php php-cli wget

Now that the necessary softwares are installed, time to start 'em.
[root@localhost ~]# service  httpd start; service mysqld start; chkconfig httpd on; chkconfig mysq

Downloading Package

Ipplan can be downloaded using the following link
[root@localhost ~]# wget

Setting Up Ipplan

[root@localhost ~]# unzip
[root@localhost ~]# cp -r ipplan /var/www/html/

And we prepare the database and tables required for Ipplan-
[root@localhost ~]# mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
[root@localhost ~]# mysqladmin -u root -p create ipplan

[root@localhost ~]# mysql -u root -p ipplan

mysql> grant all on ipplan.* to ipplan@localhost;
mysql> set password for ipplan@localhost=password("ipplanpw");
mysql> FLUSH privileges;
mysql> \q

Now, it's time to prepare the configuration files of Ipplan.
[root@localhost ~]# vi /var/www/html/ipplan/config.php 

// the database user and password is NOT the same user and password
// used to access IPplan as a regular user.
define("DBF_TYPE", 'maxsql');
define("DBF_HOST", 'localhost');
define("DBF_USER", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_NAME", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_PASSWORD", 'ipplanpw');

// define global admin user and passwd. This is NOT the same user
// and password that the databases use.
define("ADMINUSER", 'admin');
define("ADMINPASSWD", 'ipplanpw');
define("ADMINREALM", 'IPplan admin authentication');

We have to set the necessary ownership and permissions.
[root@localhost ~]# chmod  -R  750  /var/www/html/ipplan
[root@localhost ~]# chown -R apache2 /var/www/html/ipplan/

We have to set our timezones as well.
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/php.ini

### Modify the line to match your configuration ###
date.timezone = Asia/Dhaka

Tuning the firewall is necessary too. For demonstration, I am flushing the firewall
[root@localhost ~]# iptables  -F;  service iptables save

Finalizing the installation

Now, we have to open our favorite browser and input this url:
#### my IP address is ####

Configuring Ipplan

The following steps illustrate the configuration of Ipplan

Step1: Running the Install Script

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4: Creating a New Group
Step 5

Step 6: Creating a New User

Step 7
Step 8: Creating a new AS
Step 9
Step 10: Creating a Supernet
Step 11

Step 12: Creating a Subnet

Step 13: Modifying the Subnet
And that's it. It may have been lengthy, but it wasn't that hard, was it?

Hope this helps.


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