Home » Linux » Quiz » Quiz based on chapter-4 of book linux device drivers 3rd ed Hasan B 6:31 PM 0 comments Linux Quiz Quiz based on chapter-4 of book linux device drivers 3rd ed Quiz on chapter-4 of book linux device drivers 3rd ed Quiz on chapter-4 of book linux device drivers 3rd ed Which of the following config options need to be enabled to be able to debug kernel. CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNELCONFIG_USBCONFIG_EXT4CONFIG_DBG The first argument passed to printk specifies the loglevel for the message to be printedterminal number for the message to be printed userid of the current user line number in which the message has to be printed The command that can be used to view the kernel logs from user space is kmesgdmesgkmsgdmsg The function create_proc_read_entry returns a pointer to struct proc_dirstruct proc_entrystruct proc_dir_entrystruct proc The seq file interface is used for logging errors in kernel space Creating a /proc entry Passing user information to kernel Passing kernel information to user space output of strace shows The function calls made by user applications The system calls made by a user applicationThe kernel modules used by a user application The various applications running in the user space. In a kernel oops message EIP points to The address of the faulty instruction The faulty instruction The faulty line in the user code The faulty user application While using gdb for kernel debugging the kernel core file used passed to gdb is /proc/core/proc/kcore/dev/core/dev/kcore Which of the following keys will launch the kdb sysrqpauseshiftdel To use kgdb we need two systems connected by a serial cable TrueFalse depends on kernel versiondepends on kgdb version Share: Facebook Twitter Google+ StumbleUpon Digg Delicious LinkedIn Reddit Technorati
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