Friday, December 27, 2013
2:03 AM

I have no intention of ending my relationships with Linux

Serge Sounchio
I didn't know it (Linux) existed until the day I was introduced to it. That's a chance event for some, but for me it was part of a plan.

It was in 2009 that someone installed a Linux distribution (Ubuntu) for me because my feeble little hard drive capacity (8 GB) would accept nothing else. From that moment on I began to learn to understand it and to trace its evolution. I came across many other distributions, Debian, CentOS, Kubuntu, and Fedora, to name only a few.

In time my connection with it became stronger than just my own interest; that was when I created the Open Source club in my school; two years later I founded the Open Source Laboratory, an association for the promotion and popularizing of Libre/Open technologies.

In all my efforts and research to find solutions for problems in my environment I have been welcomed by the Emmabuntüs collective whose distribution has been adopted by my followers.

To this day our relationship has been working perfectly and I have no intention of ending it.

Text written by: Serge Sounchio, Chairman of the Laboratoire Open­Source Yaoundé Cameroon, and translated by David d'Emmabuntüs.


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